Tailored treatment solutions for soil and groundwater remediation

To ensure prompt and efficient handling of our clients' projects, we have waste treatment centers in Grimbergen and Auvelais in Belgium, as well as in Utrecht, Netherlands. We also have land platforms in Ghent, Antwerp, Huy in Belgium, and Schiedam in the Netherlands. These facilities enable us to provide treatment solutions for contaminated soils and waters in a wide range of sectors and industries.






Cutting-edge technologies for effective soil and groundwater treatment

Our treatment technologies incorporate cutting-edge options, allowing us to effectively treat a wide range of contaminants, from heavy metals to organic pollutants, based on efficiency and eco-friendly schemes.


All-in-one approach for land remediation

Because an all-in-one approach is often more efficient, we offer a range of solutions that work for any challenging reclamation. Our customized treatment plans are designed to meet the specific condition and requirements of each site.

Sectors of intervention


Aeronautics, aerospace, chemistry, food & beverage, metal, O&G, painting, pharma, power,...

Veolia group

Real estate, industrial land rehabilitation, joint projects in decommissioning, buried waste, brownfields, mine closure,...

Public Institutions

Defence, local / regional / national authorities, planners, environment agencies, transportation organisations, national interest projects, ...

Estate & Land developers

Material movements, material reuse after treatment, internal material management hub, derelict large industrial areas to real estate, commercial and natural land, ...

Civil works companies

Material sorting & movements, excavation plan, digital administrative follow up, completion reports for clients & environment agencies, ...

Consulting companies

Bidding, technical support, pilot tests, modeling, contractor, contaminated soil treatment, technical & financial simulation - costs benefits balance studies, ...

Environmental damage & liquidation

Insurance, liquidators, courts & affiliated organisations, Technical advisor for complex cases, ...

Any need or query?

SARPI Remediation offers a wide range of solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to:

Clean up

a contaminated site


cross-contamination underground

Conduct pilot-tests

for guaranteed results


financial scenarios for different techniques


persistent organic compounds, hydrocarbon lagoons, or heavy metals


in procurement discussions


a contaminated site


a landfill site

Discover our others solutions


Our team of experts is dedicated to providing innovative and effective solutions for all your environmental challenges.