In-situ solutions for soil and groundwater remediation

At SARPI Remediation, we understand that successful land remediation starts with effective remediation and extraction techniques for pollutants. Our all-in-one solutions are tailored to meet the specific challenges of each type of contamination or cross-contamination, providing precision, effectiveness and speed in contamination removal, while prioritizing flexibility to minimize disruption to surrounding areas and ensure optimal results.
In-situ techniques

All-in-one solutions

How we work




Sectors of intervention


Aeronautics, aerospace, chemistry, food & beverage, metal, O&G, painting, pharma, power,...

Veolia group

Real estate, industrial land rehabilitation, joint projects in decommissioning, buried waste, brownfields, mine closure,...

Public Institutions

Defence, local / regional / national authorities, planners, environment agencies, transportation organisations, national interest projects, ...

Estate & Land developers

Material movements, material reuse after treatment, internal material management hub, derelict large industrial areas to real estate, commercial and natural land, ...

Civil works companies

Material sorting & movements, excavation plan, digital administrative follow up, completion reports for clients & environment agencies, ...

Consulting companies

Bidding, technical support, pilot tests, modeling, contractor, contaminated soil treatment, technical & financial simulation - costs benefits balance studies, ...

Environmental damage & liquidation

Insurance, liquidators, courts & affiliated organisations, Technical advisor for complex cases, ...

Any need or query?

SARPI Remediation offers a wide range of solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to:

Clean up

a contaminated site


cross-contamination underground

Conduct pilot-tests

for guaranteed results


financial scenarios for different techniques


persistent organic compounds, hydrocarbon lagoons, or heavy metals


in procurement discussions


a contaminated site


a landfill site

Discover our others solutions


Our team of experts is dedicated to providing innovative and effective solutions for all your environmental challenges.